Moving Away in Your 30s: Starting Over in NYC After Leaving Sacramento
Leaving my hometown as a 30-something: Sacramento to NYC
Moving away from your hometown in your 30s is so strange and no one freakin talks about it! It’s been two years since I left Sacramento to move to New York City and everything has changed. There are plenty of stories everywhere of single girls in their 20s moving away to a big city to find themselves and I love hearing them, but I’m not single, I’m in my 30s and I still felt like moving away, so let’s talk about it.
Why I Left My Hometown, Even Though I Was Happy
I loved Sacramento, and always will, Northern California in general, is an amazing place. I was happy, comfortable,I had a whole life, great friends, a house, a good job, I wasn’t running away from anything, I didn’t have this urge to shake up my life to figure out who I was, I knew who I was and I liked her, but I also knew I was settling in many aspects of my life and just sort of accepting and adapting to what was around me, and it was time to change my environment.
Embracing Change in Your 30s
One spontaneous visit to New York City was all it took to make the decision. My fiancé and I sold 75% of our belongings, packed our bags, and drove across the country with our anxious dog just six weeks after touring an apartment we found on streeteasy. We didn’t have a detailed plan, but we knew we were ready for something new, and that was enough motivation to take the leap.
How We Sold Everything and Moved Across the Country
We sold most of our belongings on Facebook Marketplace, packed up the bigger items that were left, like our bed and bed frame, TV, and couch, and shipped them via U-Box. We packed the smaller things in suitcases and bins and drove across the country without looking back. It was a big change, but sometimes starting fresh requires letting go of what’s familiar to make room for new experiences. We couldn’t time our move and delivery perfectly, so our first week in New York was spent on an air mattress. Thankfully I had my car and we were able to drive around the city picking up miscellaneous house items, like these barstools and this desk from Target, and facebook marketplace finds. Ah pero queriamos cambio, no? eso mero encontramos!
Moving Away and Dealing with Los Comentarios de la Familia
Creciendo en una familia Mexicana, tomar la decisión de irme fue más difícil por los comentarios de mis padres. "¿Para qué se van si aquí lo tienen todo? Nueva York es muy frío, es peligroso, ¿qué quieren andar haciendo allá?" No podían entender por qué queríamos dejar lo que conocíamos para vivir en el frío y "arriesgarnos." Pero lo que a veces olvidan es que, en realidad, estamos haciendo lo mismo que ellos hicieron hace años: movernos buscando una vida diferente y más oportunidades. Al final, estamos siguiendo el ejemplo que ellos nos dieron, aunque el destino y las circunstancias sean distintas.
Starting Over in New York City
Starting over in a big city like NYC in your 30s isn’t easy, but it’s been an amazing experience. We embraced the uncertainty, and while it’s been tough at times, it’s also incredibly rewarding. I’ve learned so much about myself, my relationship, and the possibilities life has to offer when you step out of your comfort zone.
Why It’s Never Too Late to Change Your Environment
If you’re feeling complacent in your 30s and craving change, just know that it’s never too late to start over, no matter what your parents or family members say. Whether you’re single, in a relationship, or somewhere in between, moving to a new place can bring unexpected opportunities for growth and happiness. The traditional path—getting married, having kids, and settling down in the suburbs—isn’t the only way to live a fulfilling life.
Finding Growth and Happiness Beyond the Traditional Path
Success and happiness look different for everyone. For us, moving to NYC was a way to challenge ourselves and break out of the routine we had settled into. While life isn’t perfect, the freedom to explore new opportunities and experiences has been worth it. You don’t have to follow anyone else’s timeline or idea of success—your path is yours to define. Vive tu vida a TU manera.
You Can Start Over at Any Age
Moving away in your 30s is proof that change is possible at any stage in life. Whether you’re considering a new city, a new career, or simply a new environment, it’s never too late. Trust your instincts, take the leap, and remember that it’s okay to not have all the answers.
Success and Happiness Look Different for Everyone
If you’re thinking about making a big move in your 30s, go for it. Life doesn’t have to follow a strict set of rules, and there’s no right or wrong way to live it. As the saying goes, “los que pueden, pueden, y los que no pueden, critican.” Success is about finding what makes you happy, even if it means taking the road less traveled.