Navigating the world as a first-gen Latina, all with humor and a dose of Spanglish.

¡Qué onda! I’m Ana Pao

I’m a first-generation Mexican-American raised in Sacramento, CA and I’ve been creating content in different formats for over 7 years! When I  moved to New York in June of 2021, I was in a bit of a creative slump and resorted to Tik Tok for entertainment, as one does. I’d scroll past endless NYC day-in-the-life videos, and quickly realized those videos were not relatable to me. The creators didn’t look like me, live like me, or sound like me, so I said, why not make my own? And I did! But in Spanglish, because that’s how my brain works. I posted my first Tik Tok in July of 2021 and the rest is history. Since then, I’ve amassed an audience of over 150,000 Spanglish speakers who finally see themselves represented in some way. I hope to inspire others to continue to show up as they are and take up space because we belong everywhere. ¡Todo se puede!

For business or media related inquiries, send me an email.

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