A 30-Something in NYC

Moving away from your hometown in your 30s is so strange. It’s been a year and a half since I left Sacramento to move to New York City and everything has changed. There are plenty of stories everywhere of single girls in their 20s moving away to a big city to find themselves and I love hearing them, but I’m not single, I’m in my 30s and I still felt like moving away, so let’s talk about it.

I loved Sacramento, and always will, Northern California in general, is an amazing place.  I was happy, comfortable,I had a whole life, great friends, a house, a good job, I wasn’t running away from anything, I didn’t have this urge to shake up my life to figure out who I was, I knew who I was and I liked her, but I also knew I was settling in many aspects of my life and just sort of accepting and adapting to what was around me, and it was time to change my environment, and that was enough motivation for me to convince my fiance to sell 75% of our belongings, pack our bags, and drive across the country with an anxious dog just 6 weeks after visiting NYC for fun and touring an apartment on a whim.

And just like that, we started completely over, as 30 somethings, with no real plan. It’s been amazing and tough, I’ve learned so much about myself and i’m excited for whatever is next because anything is possible.

So if you’re feeling complacent and have that desire to change your environment, just know you can start over at any age, whether you’re single, in a relationship, or somewhere in between. Getting married, having kids, and settling in the suburbs isn’t the only way to live life. Success and happiness looks different for everyone. Porque los que pueden pueden y los que no pueden critican. ajuua.


Do you party before work or are you boring?


Being a Latina in NYC