Being a Latina in NYC

Since moving to New York there have been so many moments where I have felt aun mas orgullosa de mis raices y de ser latina. I found community through embracing every part of me, being my full self and taking up space, sin pena y sin pedir permiso. Which is something that has often had the opposite effect and has led to isolation, uncertainty, and even an identity crisis.  Living in this city and being able to celebrate my latinidad with so many others is exceptionally freeing. I know this feeling isn’t widely available in this country, and I certainly don’t take it for granted. Te amo, NYC. 

For everyone trying to navigate life between two cultures. I see you. Y te ves muy bien hoy, aahh. Pero en serio. Thriving in a country that doesn’t want us isn’t easy, but let’s keep taking up space, let’s keep showing up, and let’s keep having fun. SIn miedo al exito. I’m rooting for you!


A 30-Something in NYC


Don’t do this if you’re visiting NYC